Study shows buying local fruit and veg in Loddon Campaspe region isn’t more expensive
HLC has partnered with Deakin University’s Institute for Health Transformation on a research study to analyse fruit and vegetable prices in our region.
The research, which has been published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, looked at prices for 36 common fruits and veggies across 65 local vendors, and found that regional produce is just as affordable as supermarket options.
This is great news for our local communities, farmers, businesses, the environment, our pockets, and our health!
The study found that locally grown fruits and vegetables were primarily available through the local farmers’ markets, followed by greengrocers and small supermarkets. Unfortunately, large supermarkets rarely stock locally grown produce.
This shows that more needs to be done in Australia to invest in our local fruit and vegetable supply chains to help growers sell to their communities at affordable prices and convenient locations. This will likely produce benefits for the health of communities and the planet and help re-balance power across the food supply chain.
To read the full article, click HERE.
You can also access the article and lots more resources on our Support Our Own. Choose Locally Grown. webpage.